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Santander Consumer USA Holdings Inc. Aktie

[SC | WKN A1XB31 | ISIN US80283M1018]
41,64 $ 0,12%
Bid: 41,63 $ Ask: 41,65 $

Was macht Santander Consumer USA Holdings Inc.?


Santander Consumer USA is a leading company in the automotive finance sector. With its Drive:registered:, RoadLoans and Santander Auto Finance brands, the company provides full-spectrum auto lead and lending programs on direct and indirect platforms. The company began originating loans in 1997, and is headquartered in Dallas. They are owned by global banking leader Banco Santander S.A. (NYSE: SAN), which was named ''Best Bank in the World'' by EuroMoney Magazine in 2012, and one of the ''Top 10 Safest Banks'' by Global Finance Magazine in 2011.

Chart der Santander Consumer USA Holdings Inc. Aktie

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