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CymaBay Therapeutics Inc. Aktie

[CBAY | WKN A116DD | ISIN US23257D1037]
32,480 $ 0,03 %
Echtzeit-Preisindikation 21.03. 14:30 Uhr
Bid: 32,480 $ Ask: 32,480 $

Was macht CymaBay Therapeutics Inc.?


CymaBay Therapeutics is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company located in the San Francisco Bay Area focused on the development and commercialization of proprietary new medicines for important human diseases. We are committed to developing breakthrough medicines that improve the lives of patients and their families. CymaBay was seeded with the assets from an earlier metabolic disease company in which more than $120M was invested to produce a robust pipeline. Arhalofenate is a novel oral small molecule being developed to treat the approximately 1 million gout patients that flare three or more times per year. Gout flares are painful inflammatory episodes caused by crystals of monosodium urate (MSU) that result from excess serum uric acid (sUA). In three Phase 2 studies in gout patients arhalofenate was shown to reduce the incidence and duration of flares while simultaneously lowering sUA. If confirmed in additional clinical studies, arhalofenate’s dual acting profile would be unique

Chart der CymaBay Therapeutics Inc. Aktie

Mai 2024Jul 2024Sep 2024Nov 2024Jan 2025Mär 2025140160180200220240

Aktuelle Nachrichten zu CymaBay Therapeutics Inc.

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CymaBay: Turnaround-Chance im Biotechbereich

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