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Five Prime Therapeutics Inc. Aktie

[FPRX | WKN A1W5T9 | ISIN US33830X1046]
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Was macht Five Prime Therapeutics Inc.?


FivePrime is dis­cov­er­ing and devel­op­ing novel ther­a­peu­tic pro­teins and anti­bod­ies by sys­tem­at­i­cally screen­ing all rel­e­vant pro­teins in the human body to find the best pro­tein for treat­ment of a given clin­i­cal indi­ca­tion. FivePrime’s Pro­Screen Engine enables the rapid pro­duc­tion and screen­ing of all ther­a­peu­ti­cally rel­e­vant pro­teins in medically-focused assays at the high­est qual­ity stan­dards in the indus­try. This pow­er­ful approach is the polar oppo­site of the industry’s tra­di­tional “one pro­tein at a time”. The Pro­Screen Engine com­prises the defin­i­tive pro­tein col­lec­tion and screen­ing process for bio­log­ics dis­cov­ery and is unprece­dented in its effi­ciency, qual­ity, and scale. In addi­tion to DBL Investors, investors include Domain Asso­ciates, Ver­sant Ven­tures, Kleiner Perkins Cau­field and Byers, Texas Pacific Group, Health­Cap, and Advanced Tech­nol­ogy Ventures.

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