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Pyxus International Inc. Aktie

[PYX | WKN A2N5VX | ISIN US74737V1061]
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Was macht Pyxus International Inc.?


Old Holdco, Inc. engages in purchasing, processing, packing, storing, and shipping tobacco and other consumer tobacco products. It operates through the following segments: Leaf - North America, Leaf - Other Regions, and Other Products and Services. The Leaf - North America segment focuses on processing and other activities than the other regions. The Leaf - Other Regions segment sells a small amount of processed but un-threshed flue-cured and burley tobacco in loose-leaf and bundle form to certain customers. The Other Products and Services comprises the cannabis and e-liquid products. The company was founded on May 13, 2005 and is headquartered in Morrisville, NC.

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Pyxus International Inc (0,20%)

Pyxus International (PYX) erhält Analysten-Support Die Aktie wird von Imperial Capital in einer Ersteintufung auf Outperform mit Kursziel 71 USD gesetzt. Aktuell steht die Aktie bei 13,50 USD. Damit ergibt sich ein Kurspotenzial von 426% (falls es keine Tippfehler gegeben hat). Gemäß der Analysten werde sei das Potenzial des Unternehmens als schnell wachsendes Franchise-Unternehmen angesichts...

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